Saturday Shout Out: Let Me Tell You a Story

Today's Shout Out goes to TexaGermaNadian. She has started a Story Tellers Blog Hop which I love because the original intent of my blog was to write, specifically about fashion. Sure I've been featuring fashion/style/wardrobe a lot lately, but I've been lacking in copy and content. I know, I know, a picture says a thousand words so I'm covered, right? But the pictures say a thousand words about me. I want to say a thousand words about fashion. Sometimes my stories will be about something else--the "whatever" in my blog description--but if I've got a story, I'm that much closer to the purpose of my blog.

Come join us! I linked to my first post for the inaugural Story Tellers Blog Hop. I figured an introduction was a good way to start.

Got a Shout Out? Give 'em their props! (I still need to make a button for Saturday Shout Out)

(Outfits 25 & 26 will be in a separate post later today. Or tomorrow. I've got a wedding to go to people!)


  1. Nice blog!
    Follow me? I'd be very happy if you do!
    Thank you so much!

  2. Awesome, I am really speechless, thank you for the shoutout. I hope you are having a great weekend :)

  3. Hi there! I"m so glad you came by my site. I really am loving your "motto" in your header, "because short chubby people wear clothes too" haha. Yep, we aren't all supermodels but we can still look pretty damn hot right?


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