Rings That Rock

In the 90s when I was in college and into grunge (Seattleites don't really love that term), I wore a ring on nearly every finger. That was part of the look. After I got married (and much after my flannel and "Docs" phase), I only wore my wedding set. It took almost 13 years before I wore an additional ring. It takes a big ring--literally--to make that happen.

I bought this at a jewelry show displaying
creations from different friends. This ring is by
Rudy & Tuge, my friend Tunisha's company.
Should the pointier end point up?

A few of my friend's have some pretty awesome big rings.


Ann has a few more. I'll have to capture those later.

Jaime again

Most of the rings I wore back in the day were thin sterling silver. I could have kept them and melded them together into one ginormous ring. I could have had a beauteous blingity bling bling ring, or something like a mini junkyard. Instead I have this pearl of a ring. Well, it's not a pearl, but it is quite a gem.

Tomorrow: Color Palette     


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