Monday Match-up V: A Shopping Spree!

A look of shopper's remorse as I carry four (the small one is hiding) Nordstrom Rack bags? No, just my usual discomfort of having my picture taken in public.

A little better? A hint of a smile!

Up close. Did you know that I'm a comedienne? I'm wearing sunglasses. That's a knee-slapper! Really, the sun is always out. It's just that in Seattle the cloud layer is often a show off up front.

I've wanted a new spring coat, but I hadn't listed that on my "Want (but don't need) List. Maybe because it is a need. Correction: Was a need. This one is great for a Seattle spring because it's lightweight but not thin, and it's Weatherproof. That's actually the label name.

It's a pale pink. I figure it will go with any color: my typical blacks and grays, and even browns.

Nice flowy blouse

How could I not buy this? The price tag justifies my purchase--$8.485! Also, it fulfills my want of a print of an animal (as opposed to an animal print). I had seen a silky top with elephants, Augie saw the same style but with these birds, then I found the same style with cats. I didn't love the style of the other top but almost bought it just for the cats. Then, Augie found this blouse. There's a reason he's my stylist. My 6-year-old son has an eye for fashion!

Did you go on a shopping spree recently? Link up a Show-and-Tell post! Have a great spring coat or a top with a print of an animal? Link up the post of yourself wearing either. Linky Tools will link to your blog so everyone can check it out.


  1. Wow, you got a couple great deals! Can't wait to see how they look on;)

  2. Cute finds! I particularly like the <$9 blouse. Can't wait to see how you pair it!

  3. Looks like a pretty successful shopping trip, right there. I love the blouse!!

  4. nice finds at Nordstrom Rack!! i love the trench!

    cute & little


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