She's Alive!

...and the look of my dashboard has changed. Disappear for a few months and gremlins come and rearrange the furniture?

Just a quick post to let you know where I've been (and do a little shameless self-promotion). As you know, hubby started making statement rings because I had been buying them and he thought he'd try it out. We decided to sign up to show the rings at summer festivals and decided that we needed to offer other types of jewelry as well. so, I started making earrings, bracelets, and necklaces. We did a few festivals in the summer and a few in the fall. We did not blow any out of the water, but they were good experiences. While we definitely had more expense than sales, we are not giving up! (Good thing we have day jobs)

Here are some examples of our work (I'll work out the pictures next time):

I love goldstone. Here's a ring with three different sizes of brown goldstone rounds:

A vintage-inspired cameo necklace with carnelian (Pantone says tangerine is the color for 2012)

Bad picture (you know me and my fruit phone), but I think it gives the gist of these amethyst chandelier earrings)

Again, this is post is to let you know where I've been. Sorry that it's also shameless self-promotion. Since it is...feel free to "Like" us on Facebook!

Until next time (sooner than four months from now)...


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