It's only recently that I've owned a designer handbag. In high school I had a knockoff Dooney & Bourke one, and I've had some knockoffs from New York. I recently had a knockoff Coach wristlet that fooled everyone. I endearing called it a "Couch" since it's not quite a Coach. And, being the painfully honest person I can tend to be, I would tell everyone that it was fake. A real wristlet, but a fake Coach. Then again, many wouldn't consider either handbag 'Designer', but still brand name.
My first real designer handbag was a yellow Michael Kors hobo. I gave it to my mom when I purchased my second one which is the off-white Michael Kors satchel I currently carry--all the time. I'll be honest (see?), I purchased both from the Nordstrom Rack and got really good deals on them. Perhaps someday I will get another one so I can switch out. Here's a pic of my MK one for now.
The hanging 'logo charm' announces to everyone that it's a Michael Kors which may seem pretentious to some, but it helps me to know which side is front. That way I know which side pocket has my keys and which has my bus pass, as well as where my interior pocket with my work cardkey is and where my hand lotion is (such a necessity).
A sampling of co-workers' handbags
Skye's. More flowers!
Hayley's from yesterdayI missed getting others' handbags but I shall someday. There are a lot of awesome handbags amongst my co-workers and friends. After all, we carry our lives in our handbags, so we might as well make them gorgeous.
Tomorrow: Dirt Brown
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