Prep Rock

Since Monday was casual I thought I'd bookend the work week with casual Friday. The great thing about my office is that we can wear 'fashion denim' everyday! We don't have to wear $100+ jeans; we just have to make sure our jeans are in good condition and presentable.*

I knew I was going to wear one of my pairs of Kut from the Kloth brown-stitched jeans. I wanted to wear an earth tone top and grabbed this Caslon pumpkin sweater from the bottom of my dresser. My co-worker has a similar sweater so I texted her to see if she was wearing it. Nope! I used to wear it with just a tank. My co-worker wears hers with a collared shirt underneath so I thought I would. The result was a preppy look.

I wore these earrings to add some edge but not quite metal. Just rockin' some robot and turtle guitar pick earrings I got from a friend.

This pink headband added an extra preppy look. I wore it while doing a facial. More about that tomorrow!

* I plan to do a jeans post soon featuring different jean brands. I'm already hesitant to ask people if I can take a picture of their outfits in general, let alone a picture of their back pocket which means capturing their bum.

Tomorrow: Playing with Makeup


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