Mind Your Ps and Qs

If you don't mind your Ps and Qs, you may fall behind in the A to Z Challenge like I have.

P is for . . . Procrastinator
Q is for . . . Quintessence of tardiness
That's me!
The real meaning of "Mind your Ps and Qs" means to mind your manners. I am minding my Ps and Qs by catching up on the A to Z Challenge. How you ask? The creator of the blogging challenge, Arlee Bird, and his many helpful hosts have worked hard to get this challenge going this year and continue to keep the list of participants up to date. I am being mindful by keeping good on my sign up to participate.


  1. Hey, you are hanging in there and that is all that matters.
    ~Naila Moon


    PS>I like that you have listed all your letters. I will remember that next year.


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