Round and Round

Yes, I am back to curly, wavy, whatever you call my natural hair. I wore it straight the last three days and I had to let it be free today. More so I didn't have time to blow dry and flatiron this morning.

Don't fret, I have not given up on wearing my hair straight on a regular basis. I just need to get into a routine of showering at night, letting my hair air dry, and then flat ironing it. It's so much easier to wake up with straight hair than wackadoodle hair the next day. Plus, when I wear my hair straight, I can go one day longer than my usual two without washing. My showering routine and hair-washing secret--you didn't realize this post is PG?
Wanted to share today's outfit and sadly this was the best picture. Also sad when the least messiest background in the whole house is behind the bathroom door. Does this look like a schoolgirl outfit? Maybe if I had better lighting and a real camera (yes, still my fruit phone) you could see the pleats in my skirt and the boyfriend cardi.
Just preparing to bring back "Jen-in-a-cube"!

That's all for today. Nothing clever or inspirational to say. Just trying to get back into the blogging world. If all the world's a stage, does that explain why my blog has no audience? Well, except you, Chastity. Hi!


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